President Obama has proclaimed October 2015 as Energy Action Month.
The use of the word “action” continues the theme that we need to be more than just aware of energy but to take action to conserve energy.
Although large displays of renewable generation such as solar and wind comes to mind when considering Energy Action Month, much of the action used to save energy at Edwards AFB is actually accomplished behind the scenes by the 412th Civil Engineering Group.
From unique power contracts that leverage the use of hydroelectricity generated along the Colorado River, to the energy management control system and thermal energy storage systems that shift energy consumption to low-cost evening hours, the 412th Civil Engineer Group has reduced energy consumption about 14.7 percent from the 2003 baseline and energy related costs by 28 percent.
However, to reach the goals set forth by executive orders and energy policy, all of us must take action to reduce our consumption. Small uses add up when considering the number of facilities across the installation. Please take action to conserve by turning off lights in unoccupied rooms and utilizing task lighting when feasible.
The 412th CEG invites you to see for yourself some of the efforts used to save energy.
During the month of October, 412th CEG has the following events scheduled:
Oct. 14
11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Solar plant tour (Where Wolfe Ave. and Lancaster Blvd. meet) — Come see the 5,000 plus panels that generate one megawatt of photovoltaic electricity.
Oct. 21
11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Bldg. 3000 Thermal Energy Storage System Tour -Come see how ice is made during the night for cooling the building during the day.
Oct. 28
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. BX parking lot energy displays — Come learn tips on energy conservation for the home and office.