Santa Claus and the 412th Mission Support Group front office.
Before wrapping up an extended Southern California vacation, Santa Claus made one final stop at Edwards AFB Dec. 14, 2015.
Father Christmas made his rounds through several buildings including Bldg. 3000, 412th Civil Engineering Group, 412th Medical Group, Bldg. 1, the Joshua Tree Dining Facility, Inspector General’s office, 412th Logistics Readiness Squadron Vehicle Operations and Maintenance, Financial Management, and finally, 412th TW Headquarters.
Claus handed out about 700 candy canes to some very surprised people.
After leaving Edwards, Claus had to immediately head straight for the North Pole to prep for next week’s festivities.
No time for eats, just greets, at the Joshua Tree Dining Facility.
Santa Claus drops by Bldg. 3000.
Santa Claus poses for a photo with 412th Civil Engineering Group employees.
Santa Claus hands candy canes to Airmen at 412th Civil Engineering Group.
Santa Claus visits the 412th Logistics Readiness Squadron Vehicle Maintenance Bldg.