Brig. Gen. Carl Schaefer (left), 412th Test Wing commander; Col. David Radomski (center), 412th TW vice commander; and Chief Master Sgt. David Smith (right), 412th TW command chief, sign their Air Force Assistance Fund donation slips Feb. 5.
The 412th Test Wing leadership got together to sign their Air Force Assistance Fund donation slips at the headquarters building Feb. 5.
This year’s AFAF campaign on Edwards began Feb. 1 and runs through March 11.
The AFAF is a charitable fund by Airmen for Airmen. All monies raised during the campaign go to supporting the Air Force’s four charities: The Air Force Aid Society, which takes care of Airmen and their families with emergency assistance, educational loans, spouse tuition and base enhancement projects; the Air Force Village and Air Force Enlisted Village provide retirees’ widows and widowers with a home and caring community among fellow Air Force family members; while the Lemay Foundation seeks out and provides the same group short to long term financial grants.
Left to right: Air Force Assistance Fund installation points-of-contact Master Sgt. Robert Sims and Capt. Josh Coughenour pose for a photo with Brig. Gen. Carl Schaefer, 412th Test Wing commander; Col. David Radomski, 412th TW vice commander; and Chief Master Sgt. David Smith, 412th TW command chief, after they signed their AFAF donation slips Feb. 5
Team Edwards members interested in donating to the AFAF should contact their unit AFAF representative and to be on the look out for posters posted in their squadron and unit areas.
Edwards’ goal this year is $42,000. The Air Force-wide goal is $6.78 million.
For any questions regarding Edwards AFB’s AFAF campaign, contact Capt. Joshua Coughenour at 661-275-7750; or Master Sgt. Robert Sims at 661-277-1587.