MSgt. Joseph Duffy, 412th Mission Support Group, attempts a putt on a portable green as Brig. Gen. Carl Schaefer, 412th Test Wing commander, watches during the wing’s second quarter awards ceremony Aug. 3, 2016, at the base theater. Duffy won Senior Non-commissioned officer of the Quarter. All winners present were given the opportunity to sink a putt in the golf-themed ceremony.
Summer is a great time to get out and golf and that was the theme of the 412th Test Wing 2nd Quarter Awards Ceremony held Aug. 3 at the base theater.
Brig. Gen. Carl Schaefer, 412th TW commander, and CMSgt. Todd Simmons, 412th TW command chief, presided over the ceremony where top performing nominees and winners were announced.
Each award winner present got the chance to attempt a golf putt on stage with a portable green and hole after receiving their award from the general. Congratulations to all 2nd quarter winners!
Second Quarter Awardees (April-June 2016)
Airman of the Quarter
SrA. Cameron Farrell
412th Civil Engineering Group
NCO of the Quarter
SSgt. Victoria Fiermonte
412th Medical Group
SNCO of the Quarter
MSgt. Joseph Duffy
412th Mission Support Group
Company Grade Officer of the Quarter
Capt. Joshua Coughenour
412th Test Engineering Group
Field Grade Officer of the Quarter
Maj. Margaret Coppini
412th MDG
Dorm of the Quarter
SrA. Tanya Alvarez
412th Mission Support Group
Honor Guard of the Quarter
TSgt. Stephen Pottinger
412th MSG
Supervision/Management of the Quarter
Gabriel Resendez
U.S. Air Force Plant 42
Scientific/Engineering of the Quarter
Shawn Rexius
412th TENG
Technician of the Quarter
Arcadio Garcia
412th CEG
Trades & Labor of the Quarter
Bert Maxwell
412th Maintenance Group
Secretarial/Clerical of the Quarter
Belinda Miller
412th MDG
Staff/Specialist/Analyst of the Quarter
William Starr
412th Operations Group
Program Manager of the Quarter
Timothy James
412th CEG
Team of the Quarter
Weapons Standardization
412th MXG
Volunteer of the Quarter
A1C Samantha Phillips
412th MDG