Football season is over and it’s time for sports fans to focus on the basketball season and that was the theme of the 412th Test Wing 4th Quarter Awards Ceremony at the Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., theater Feb. 13, 2017.
Quarterly award winners were announced along with several major command and functional area awardees who were recognized during the ceremony. Each quarterly award winner or representative got the opportunity to shoot a basketball. Congratulations to all awardees.
412th Test Wing 4th Quarter (October-December 2016) Awardees
Airman of the Quarter
Senior Airman David Corley
412th Civil Engineering Group
NCO of the Quarter
Staff Sgt. Ryan Miller
412th Maintenance Group
Senior NCO of the Quarter
MSgt Lindsay Moon
412th Operations Group
Company Grade Officer of the Quarter
Capt. Christophe Bangerezako
412th Medical Group
Field Grade Officer of the Quarter
Maj. Alan Burwell
412th OG
Dorm of the Quarter
Airman 1st Class Yvonne Morse
412th Mission Support Group
Honor Guard of the Quarter
Staff Sgt. Ryan Bielli
412th OG
Supervision/Management of the Quarter
William D. Gamboa
412th MSG
Scientific/Engineering of the Quarter
William Quinn
412th OG
Technician of the Quarter
Richard Mathuren
412th MDG
Trades & Labor of the Quarter
William Halverstadt
412th OG
Secretarial/Clerical of the Quarter
Keira Newman
412th MXG
Staff/Specialist/Analyst of the Quarter
David Townsend
412th Electronic Warfare Group
Program Manager of the Quarter
Ryan Stofferahn
412th EWG
Team of the Quarter
Weapons Standardization Section
412th MXG
Volunteer of the Quarter
Robert Mejia
412th MSG
Innovation Team of the Quarter
Trans Verse Team
412th OG
Other Award Winners
2016 AFMC Lt. Gen. Leo Marquez Awards
Civilian Manager Aircraft Maintenance – Julie A. McAndrew, 412th MXG
Civilian Manager Munitions and Missile Maintenance – Robert L. Ostrander, 412th MXG
Civilian Technician Munitions and Missile Maintenance – Candace L. Akima, 412th MXG
NCO Aircraft Maintenance – Tech. Sgt. Bruce V. Santos, MXG
2016 Civil Engineer Annual AwardsCol. Frederick J. Riemer Award
Readiness and Emergency Management Flight, 812th Civil Engineering Squadron
2016 Clements McMullen Memorial Daedalian Weapon System Maintenance Trophy
412th MXG
2016 Joan Orr Air Force Spouse of the Year Award
Christeen Greenwell, 412th MXG
2016 Maintenance Effectiveness Award
Category II – 412th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
2016 Medical Service Awards
USAF Clinical Excellence in Nursing Award, Field Grade Officer
Maj. Marion L. Foreman Jr., 412th MDG
USAF Surgeon General Award for Best Clinic
412th MDG
USAF Biomedical Clinician Category II Officer, Field Grade Officer
Maj. Kevin R. Hooker, 412th MDG
USAF Chief of Medicine Staff Commitment to Excellence
Lt. Col. Matthew R. Keysor, 412th MDG
4P USAF Pharmacy Tech NCO
Staff Sgt. Rhonda M. Russell, 412th MDG
USAF Dental Civilian Award
Natalie M. Ellis, 412th MDG
2016 Outstanding Aviation Resource Management Awards
Sergeant Dee Campbell ARM Large Team Award
412th TW Aviation Resource Managers, 412th OG
ARM Senior NCO
Master Sgt. Olivia R. Luque, 412th OG
Air Force Materiel Command 2016 Public Affairs Media Awards
Multimedia Story
Dawn Waldman, 412th Test Wing Public Affairs
Video Series
Dawn Waldman, 412th TW/PA
Funded News Publication
Desert Wings, 412th TW/PA
2017 Air Force Association Aerospace Awards Citation of Honor
F-22 Modernization Flight Test Team
2017 Air Force Association Outstanding Air Force Civilian Employees of the Year
Civilian Wage Employee
Kalen Deering, 412th MXG
Air Force Chief of Safety Outstanding Achievement Award for Weapons Safety
Tech. Sgt. Ryan McKellips, 412th Test Wing Safety Office
FY16 Gen. Jumper Award and Information Dominance Professional of the Year Awards
Gen. Jumper Award, Enlisted
Master Sgt. Jesse Erlenbush, 412th MSG
National Defense Industrial Association 2016 Tester of the Year Awards
Military Tester
Maj. Alan Burnwell, 412th OG