Application packages for the next Undergraduate Flying Training selection board are due to the Rated Officer Assignments branch of the Air Force Personnel Center by Nov. 17, 2017.
The board, set for Jan. 22-25, 2018, will consider active-duty officer applicants to attend training as early as spring 2018. Those interested in becoming a pilot, combat systems officer, remotely piloted aircraft pilot or air battle manager are encouraged to apply.
“The Air Force continues to review opportunities to strengthen the force,” said Capt. Devin Stone, the UFT board administrator. “Some initiatives are force-wide; others, such as encouraging eligible active-duty officers to partake in flying training, are more targeted. All have the same objective.”
Stone said implementing these initiatives will strengthen the Air Force’s competitive position in the battle for top talent.
All UFT applicants must be certified as physically qualified by Headquarters Air Education and Training Command, Office of the Surgeon General, Physical Standards.
Additional information about specific requirements, eligibility criteria, process and other details can be found on myPers. Select “Active Duty Officer” from the dropdown menu and search “UFT.”
For more information about Air Force personnel programs, go to myPers.