The 412th Civil Engineer Group Energy Management Team at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., invited several companies to the base to provide a few lessons on saving energy Oct. 18, 2017, as part of the President’s 2017 Energy Action Month observance in October.
Representatives from power and solar companies, as well as military housing company Corvias, set up booths in front of the Exchange to hand out energy-saving tips and free merchandise.
The goals of Energy Action Month are to increase awareness about energy consumption and to encourage energy-saving actions in Airmen, civilians and their families, according the Air Force. The Air Force hopes that energy efficient actions highlighted during Energy Action Month will become good habits, leading to increased mission effectiveness and reduced costs.
The Air Force’s Energy Action Month theme is “Protect the Power.” It serves as a call to action for members of the Air Force community to practice energy-efficient habits in their daily lives.
To support Energy Action Month 2017, the Air Force has developed materials energy managers and interested parties can download and distribute to educate individuals about the important role energy plays in every aspect of the Air Force mission and the role each person plays as a steward of the Air Force’s energy resources.
The materials can be found at