Each child attending the Native American Heritage Month kickoff event at the base library Nov. 1 created their own personal dream catchers with the help of parents, volunteers and library personnel.
The 412th Test Wing and NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., partnered to sponsor this year’s tribute to American Indian and Alaska Native people whose contributions, sacrifices and historical legacy, helped shape the United States.
“Standing Together” is the theme for Native American Heritage Month 2017.
The 412th Test Wing and NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center kicked off Native American Heritage Month at the base library Nov. 1.
Children and parents listened to stories, created dream catchers and ate Native American bread as part of the NAHM kickoff event Nov.1 at the base library.
The base Native American Heritage Month committee invites everyone to come see a traveling artifacts exhibit at the following dates and times:
Nov. 1-13: Base library
Nov. 14-15: Club Muroc
Nov. 16: Stripes Lounge at Oasis Community Center
A cultural celebration will also be held 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Nov. 16, at Stripes Lounge.
Col. Jason Schott, 412th Test Wing vice commander, reads a Native American-themed story to children and parents at the base library Nov. 1 as part of a kickoff event for Edwards AFB’s Native American Heritage Month recognition.
Native American bread was served at the Native American Heritage Month kickoff event Nov.1 at the base library.