It’s time once again for some trick-or-treat fun. This year’s Pumpkin Patrol will be 5-8 p.m., Oct. 31.
While everyone is out in costume getting some tasty treats, please keep in mind the following safety tips:
* Travel in groups. Parents/guardians should accompany children at all times.
* Use a flashlight (or several), glow sticks, and/or reflective tape to attach to costumes to increase visibility.
* Cross streets at intersections wherever possible. Darting across the street is not recommended as any vehicles present may not notice.
* Avoid driving through the housing areas during the designated trick-or-treat hours.
* Park vehicles in driveways to increase visibility and reduce congestion on the streets.
* If you must drive, use extreme caution while backing in and out of driveways and garages; children may cut across yards to your front door.
* Pull away from curbs slowly and double check all blind spots. Expect to be driving no faster than 5 mph.
* Have a contingency plan in place for your group in case anyone should become separated.
Security forces will be out and about to ensure the safety of all participants. Feel free to say hi, and don’t hesitate to ask for assistance.