A desert tortoise sign installed by the 412th Civil Engineer Group on the side of North Rosamond Blvd. towards the North Gate of Edwards Air Force Base, Calif.
The desert tortoise is one of the many animals found on Edwards Air Force Base in California’s High Desert.
Listed as threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act of 1973, desert tortoises are protected from unwarranted harassment or injury.
The 412th Civil Engineer Group’s Environmental Management Division wants to remind base residents to be on the lookout for desert tortoises, especially near or crossing roadways. The 412th CEG Environmental Management office has installed tortoise awareness signs on roads where desert tortoises are regularly observed.
“The new signs near North Gate and Dats Road are a result of consistent desert tortoise activity and a desert tortoise death on North Rosamond Blvd. due to a vehicle collision,” said Larry Zimmerman, 412th CEG, Environmental Management Natural Resources manager.
Tortoise signs have been placed in various locations throughout the base over the years due to reoccurring desert tortoise sightings along roads, near buildings and under parked cars where desert tortoises seek shelter from the elements. People working or living on Edwards are encouraged to check under and around vehicles prior to moving their vehicles, especially if parked near open desert, according to Zimmerman.
A desert tortoise sits on Mercury Blvd.