Effective at 9 p.m., March 8, 2022, Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., and Air Force Plant 42 in Palmdale, Calif., are now in HPCON Alpha.
This applies to all personnel at Edwards and Plant 42.
Although the COVID-19 threat environment in the local area continues to regress, it is still too soon to declare victory. Installation-wide restrictions are being lifted, but every member of the T-Cot-A-TU family is still responsible for taking appropriate precautions, to include implementing relevant restrictions at lower levels of the chain of command.
The next COVID-19 variant or seasonal surge could escalate quickly and with little notice.
At HPCON A, the following measures are effective:
- BASE ACCESS: There are no HPCON-related restrictions to base access at HPCON A.
- OCCUPANCY: IAW Ref (b), Facility owners will set occupancy limits, taking into account their populationís vulnerabilities and available mitigation procedures.
- SERVICES: Additional base services are available at HPCON A. Major changes from HPCON B are increased capacity at dining facilities and additional program availability. FSS available services and current operating hours are available at https://www.edwardsfss.com/FSSHPCON.
- TELEWORK: Commanders and Directors, delegable no lower than the squadron level Commander/Director, are encouraged to continue to incorporate unit specific management tools such as telework consistent with full mission accomplishment. It is recommended employees discuss their risks and specific health concerns with their supervisors. Reasonable Accommodation may be required to allow telework on a case-by-case basis.
SPACING: Physical distancing of greater than six feet is still recommended.
TRAVEL REQUIREMENTS: Approval is still required for official travel for unvaccinated members. Otherwise, O-6 or equivalent approval is only required if the destination is at HPCON C or above, or has local travel restrictions. These restrictions also apply to contractors on official travel. Contact the appropriate Contracting Officer/Contracting Officer Representative for procedures to process an exception.
SCREENING: Screening testing and building access restrictions are still in effect.
LARGE EVENTS/MEETINGS: Approval is still required for meetings and events with more than 50 attendees.