The Asset Management Branch of the Installation Management Division within the 412th Civil Engineer Group was recently recognized by the U.S. Air Force for winning the Maj. Gen. Robert C. Thompson Resource Excellence Award.
This award recognizes the Air Force civil engineer unit that achieved the highest degree of resource excellence by offering outstanding products and services to its customers.
“I am very proud of our Asset Management Branch professionals,” said Hugo Via, Chief of the Installation Management Division, 412th CEG. “They have consistently provided superior support to the 412 CEG and the 412th Test Wing. This award validates what I suspected all along — that they are one of the best in the Air Force.”
This annual award honors Major General Robert C. Thompson, who served as the Air Force Director of Engineering and Services from 1975 to 1978 and was instrumental in improving the quality of life for Air Force personnel. The award’s purpose is to encourage customer support and satisfaction, high-quality standards and achievement throughout the unit.
“Their success is truly based on the teamwork and collaboration among all 412 CEG personnel and the support we receive from our leaders at the Group and Wing levels,” Via said. “Winning an Air Force-level award is not a small feat. It is a significant achievement, and we are very thankful for the recognition.”
Winning this award is a true culmination of the day-to-day efforts and hard work performed by the unit to support the 412th CEG mission and overall 412th Test Wing mission while also contributing to improving the quality of life at Edwards AFB.