Base newspaper for Davis-Monthan Air Force Base
Published every the first Friday of the month.
Mission: Provide attack airpower, expeditionary combat support, and medical forces ready for worldwide deployment to combatant commanders.
Produce highly-trained A-10C pilots to meet the Combat Air Forces, Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve requirements.
Support 12th Air Force (AFSOUTH) operations, an Air National Guard air sovereignty mission, four combat operations groups, and the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group.
- Total: Approximately 24,000
- Military: 6,794
- Contractor: 2,134
- Civilian: 3,227
- Retired: 11,328
- Rotational exercise: 255
- Reserves: 243
Payroll: Approx. $788,169,648
Contracts: Approx. $364,367,523
Total Economic Impact in AZ: $1.75 billion
Major tenants: 943rd Rescue Group (AFRC), 162nd Fighter Wing, Arizona Air National Guard, 372nd Training Squadron, Detachment 11 (AETC), Air Force Office of Special Investigations, Customs and Border Protection, Defense Investigative Service, Naval Inventory Control Point, Radar Approach Control (FAA)
Major Units: 355th Fighter Wing, 12th Air Force (AFSOUTH), 358th Fighter Squadron, 41st Electronic Combat Squadron, 612th Air Communications Squadron, 79th Rescue Squadron, 612th Air and Space Operations Center, 563rd Maintenance Squadron, 43rd Electronic Combat Squadron, 25th Operational Weather Squadron, 943rd Maintenance Squadron, 42nd Electronic Combat Squadron, 755th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, 48th Rescue Squadron, 357th Fighter Squadron, 305th Rescue Squadron, 55th Rescue Squadron, 755th Operations Support Squadron, 563rd Operations Support Squadron
Substantial interaction with other bases, services: The 12th Air Forces (AFSOUTH) works closely with a multitude of other bases, not only in the U.S., but all over the world. They perform many humanitarian missions to South America.
Major facilities on base: Commissary, Base Exchange.
Zip codes within market area: 85707, 85711, 85708, 85712, 85709, 85713, 85726, 85710, 85730, 85714, 85705, 85716, 85718, 85719, 85745, 85732
Download a copy of the Desert Lightning News 2015 rates.
Color Charges: (per insertion)
- Spot Color: Please add $3.00 per column inch, per color
- Process Color: Please add $9.00 per column inch
Pre-printed Flyer Insertion Rates:
- Single Sheet (8.5x 11 inches) $40 per thousand
- 4-8 tabloid pages $42 per thousand
- 12-24 tabloid pages $46 per thousand
- 28+ tabloid pages $52 per thousand
Max size is 10×13 inches. 2,000 minimum run, $85 min charge Shipping address: 456 E. Ave. K-4, Ste 8, Lancaster, CA 93535 All inserts must be received by Mon., 3pm, week of insertion
Mechanical Requirements:
Page size: 6 columns x 13 inches – Image area 10.25″ x 13″ tall
1 column: 1.5625″ 2 columns: 3.325″ 3 columns: 5.00″
4 columns: 6.75″ 5 columns: 8.50″ 6 columns: 10.25″
Electronic File Requirements:
Please submit files as a pdf, 300dpi as CMYK, no 4/c black
Published every Friday, Distributed to military and contractor personnel on Davis-Monthan AFB, including all on-base offices. The Desert Lightning News is also delivered to high traffic locations throughout Tucson. Available online at 12,000 copies weekly.
Advertising Deadline:
Tuesday noon for that Friday’s publication.
On Line Advertising
Web ad pricing is per client, per site, per week. Web ads rotate among five clients.
- Full Banner (468 x 60 pixels) – $50
- Leaderboard (728 x 90 pixels) – $75
- Square (250 x 250 pixels) – $75
- Half Banner (234 x 60 pixels) – $40
- Medium Rectangle (300 x 250 pixels) – $65
Full Color Flyers
Attract new customers with full color flyers printed on bright white book stock paper. Use them as promotional pieces to be inserted in your local military base newspaper, as handouts, or inserted in any other publication. Aerotech News can design, print and deliver to you very affordably.
Example: 10,000 flyers, 8.5″ x 10.5″ printed in full color, both sides, including design and layout is only $595 (+tax) or 5.95 cents each, plus tax. Other quantities available, contact Brian for quote: (661) 945-5634, or printing AT
Business to Business Shared Mailings
In addition to your local military market, business owners in your area are prime prospects for your business! Now you can reach them affordably with Aerotech’s B2B Shared Mailings!
For as little as 10 cents each, Aerotech will include your pre-printed single sheet flyer (8.5x 11″) in our envelopes. In any mailing, there will be no competing business’ flyer included.
Aerotech will stuff, seal and mail the envelopes bulk mail (Standard). You save time and money since you won’t have to buy envelopes, do the tedious work of preparing the mailing, or purchase the mailing list or postage! For a fraction of the cost of doing it yourself, you can reach a new, qualified market!
Call Brian at (661) 945-5634 or printing AT today to include your flyer in the next available mailing.
All rates are net to publisher