Base newspaper for Nellis and Creech Air Force Bases
Published every Friday
Mission: The “Home of the Fighter Pilot,” Nellis Air Force Base is home to the U.S. Air Force Warfare Center, the largest and most demanding advanced air combat training mission in the world. At Nellis, we provide training for composite strike forces which include every type of aircraft in the Air Force inventory. Training is conducted in conjunction with air and ground units of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and air forces from our allied nations. The crews do not come to learn how to fly, but instead how to be the best combat aviators in the world.
- Total: Approximately 14,442
- Military: 8,932
- Officer-Enlisted ratio: Approximately one officer to four enlisted
- Dependents: 23,510
- Contractor: 1,225
- Civilian: 3,423
- Retired: 27,688
- Reserves: 862
- TDY: Approximately 414,000 per year
- Veterans within market area: 212,000+
Payroll: Approx. $975 million, combined Nellis and Creech AFBs
Contracts: $1.859 billion
Services purchased locally: $220 million
Total Economic Impact: $5.1 billion
Housing units: On-base family housing at Nellis consists of 1,278 two, three and four bedroom homes. Housing Privatization is in final stage. Housing is divided into two housing areas– Nellis Terrace and Manch Manor. Nellis Terrace is located on the main base. It has 685 single home and duplex-style units for junior enlisted. They range from 900 sq ft to 1425 sq ft. Manch Manor is located across from the base, and is divided into three sections. Manch Manor I has all duplex-style units for officer and junior enlisted. There are 200 units ranging in size from 1017 sq ft to 1198 sq ft. Manch Manor II has single home and duplex-style units for officers and enlisted. There are 193 units ranging in size from 1495 sq ft to 1592 sq ft. Manch Manor III has 200 single home and duplex-style units for officers and enlisted. They are 1589 sq ft.
Assigned Units: USAF Warfare Center, 57th Wing, 926th Group (AF Reserve), USAF Air Warfare Battlelab, Joint Unmanned Aircraft Center of Excellence, USAF Thunderbirds.
Substantial interaction with other bases, services: Extensive interaction with all Air Force bases through Red Flag exercises. Substantial interaction with allied air forces.
Major facilities on base: Base Exchange, Commissary, Fitness Center, outdoor recreation center. Mike O’Callaghan Federal Hospital located off main base, less than one mile from main gate.
Extended education facilities on base: Community College of Southern Nevada, University of Nevada Las Vegas-On Base Campus, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-On Base Campus, University of Phoenix, University of Idaho Video Outreach Program
Projected increase/decrease in personnel: Data not available due to security concerns and mission of Nellis and Creech AFBs.
Zip codes within market area: 89191 89032 89015 89115 89106 89074 89081 89101 89143 89086 89104 89149 89087 89110 89129 89156 89109 89102 89165 89120 89103 89084 89121 89030 89122 89031 89014
- Updated daily
- Searchable
- Includes PDF of the print edition
Related links: Nellis Air Force Base
Related links: Creech Air Force Base
Download a copy of the Bullseye 2015 rates.
Color Charges: (per insertion)
- Spot Color: Please add $3.00 per column inch, per color
- Process Color: Please add $9.00 per column inch
Pre-printed Flyer Insertion Rates:
- Single Sheet (8.5x 11 inches) $40 per thousand
- 4-8 tabloid pages $42 per thousand
- 12-24 tabloid pages $46 per thousand
- 28+ tabloid pages $52 per thousand
Max size is 10×13 inches. 2,000 minimum run, $85 min charge
Shipping address: 456 E. Ave. K-4, Ste 8, Lancaster, CA 93535
All inserts must be received by Mon., 3pm, week of insertion
Mechanical Requirements:
Page size: 6 columns x 13 inches – Image area 10.25″ x 13″ tall
1 column: 1.5625″ 2 columns: 3.325″ 3 columns: 5.00″
4 columns: 6.75″ 5 columns: 8.50″ 6 columns: 10.25″
Electronic File Requirements:
Please submit files as a pdf, 300dpi as CMYK, no 4/c black
Published every Friday, Distributed to military and contractor personnel on Nellis and Creech AFB, including all offices and high traffic locations on base. Also delivered to high traffic locations throughout Las Vegas, NV. Available online at 12,000 copies weekly.
Advertising Deadline: Tuesday noon for that Friday’s publication.
Online Advertising
Web ad pricing is per client, per site, per week.
Web ads rotate among five clients.
- Full Banner (468 x 60 pixels) – $50
- Leaderboard (728 x 90 pixels) – $75
- Square (250 x 250 pixels) – $75
- Half Banner (234 x 60 pixels) – $40
- Medium Rectangle (300 x 250 pixels) – $65
Full Color Flyers
Attract new customers with full color flyers printed on bright white book stock paper. Use them as promotional pieces to be inserted in your local military base newspaper, as handouts, or inserted in any other publication. Aerotech News can design, print and deliver to you very affordably.
Example: 10,000 flyers, 8.5″x 10.5″ printed in full color, both sides, including design and layout is only $595 (+tax) or 5.95 cents each, plus tax. Other quantities available, contact Brian for quote: (661) 945-5634, or printing AT
Business to Business Shared Mailings
In addition to your local military market, business owners in your area are prime prospects for your business! Now you can reach them affordably with Aerotech’s B2B Shared Mailings!
For as little as 10 cents each, Aerotech will include your pre-printed single sheet flyer (8.5x 11″) in our envelopes. In any mailing, there will be no competing business’ flyer included.
Aerotech will stuff, seal and mail the envelopes bulk mail (Standard). You save time and money since you won’t have to buy envelopes, do the tedious work of preparing the mailing, or purchase the mailing list or postage! For a fraction of the cost of doing it yourself, you can reach a new, qualified market!
Call Brian at (661) 945-5634 or printing AT today to include your flyer in the next available mailing.
All rates are net to publisher