Did you call the Enterprise Service Desk yesterday, but you’re still on hold today?
The Communications Squadron will be uploading the Virtual Enterprise Service Desk application to computers base wide. 1st Lt. Brooke Leigh, 355th CS operations flight commander held classes on Wednesday to explain the purpose of it.
The vESD application is a help desk app designed for users to identify any issues they may be experiencing with their computers and to create their own tickets if they need to.
“If you are experiencing issues with the hardware, software or network connectivity you can go into the app and it will ask you a list of questions that will help the software automatically solve the issue,” Leigh said.
The app is intended to alleviate the number of phone calls to the Enterprise Service Desk and accelerate ticket resolution times.
“Due to low manning, tickets will be difficult to be opened and created,” Leigh said. “This application will help the CS mitigate that concern if users are able to solve the issue themselves.”
The CS will be working with each squadron to continue pushing the information out about the vESD.
“We want to be proactive with units,” Leigh said. “We will set up a schedule to hit as many commander’s calls as we can to let people know that we are here to help.”
The application will be automatically installed on a user’s computer. To ensure delivery of the app, DLT members must continue restarting their computers every three days.
“This is a new way to resolve issues network users are experiencing,” said Tech. Sgt. Beth Chambless 12th Air Force, Air Forces Southern Component Numbered Air Force cyber surety manager. “It’s going to be faster than the ESD and will allow the users to solve issues at the lowest level.”
For more information about how to use the vESD, contact your unit’s Information Assurance Officers.