WASHINGTON (AFNS) — A brand new version of the Virtual Enterprise Service Desk (version 2.0) is now available on unclassified computer desktops on the Air Force network.
The vESD is an application on the desktop that empowers computer users to resolve minor information technology issues on their own, no longer requiring users to call the Enterprise Service Desk. The application also automatically generates a remedy ticket for any issues it can’t resolve, providing faster service to users. vESD also allows users to check on the status of any trouble ticket and update personal information through MyGal, the Air Force’s global address list.
Similar to the previous version, vESD 2.0 assists users in resolving problems with Outlook email, Blackberry smartphones and iPhones. However, version 2.0 provides further support for network, hardware and software issues with a workstation.
Additional features of vESD 2.0 include assistance with mapping network drives, troubleshooting Common Access Card and CAC reader issues, resolving website issues, and help with common peripherals (keyboard, monitor, printer, etc.). If vESD doesn’t resolve the issue, users can still create a trouble ticket so an Air Force Network Support technician can provide assistance. In addition to problem-solving, vESD also allows users to check the status of existing trouble tickets.
For account management, users will still contact their local information assurance officer and work with their Information Assurance Officer for any account management issues, such as modifying security groups or access to SharePoint or share drives. Any changes to the network will still require the user to contact their local base change sponsor and submit that request for change through Remedy.
“Using automated tools to resolve common issues follows industry best practices and provides superior service to our Air Force users,” said Lt. Col. Mark Reith, the 690th Network Support Squadron commander. “Our goal is to help ensure daily disruptions due to routine computing issues are limited to the max extent possible.”
The days of being able to surge additional manpower to resolve an issue are long past. Through maximum usage of the automated tools the Air Force can let automation take some of that workload.
“We all know that resources are scarce, and the future doesn’t look any better,” said Brig. Gen. Kevin Wooton, the Air Force Space Command Integrated Operations principal deputy director. “The Air Force must provide capabilities the nation needs while becoming smaller. This means our workforce and installations of the future must operate differently and more efficiently. The ESD transformation is one step towards reducing overhead costs and increasing efficiencies, while improving service and effectiveness for all Air Force personnel.”