COLUMBUS AIR FORCE BASE, Miss. — Service members are reminded to enroll their newborns into TRICARE within 60 days of birth or 120 days in overseas areas.
When newborns are not enrolled within the first 60 days of birth, this can cause claims processing issues and parents incur costly out-of-pocket expenses.
Members who want their newborns to have TRICARE Prime coverage must call or send an enrollment form within 60 days of birth. Adopted or birth newborns born to a TRICARE Prime enrolled parent is automatically covered under TRICARE Prime for the first 60 days. Thereafter, if an enrollment form is not submitted by day 61 of birth, the newborn’s coverage is converted to TRICARE Standard.
Adding a family member in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) does not mean they are also enrolled in TRICARE. Newborns will continue to receive TRICARE Standard coverage for 365 days, whether enrolled in DEERS or not. On day 366, newborns not enrolled in DEERS will no longer be eligible for TRICARE Standard.
Coverage is different for families covered under TRICARE Reserve Select (TRS) and TRICARE Retired Reserve (TRR). Newborns are not automatically covered under TRS and TRR. A TRS and TRR application must be submitted within 60 days of birth to receive retroactive TRS and TRR coverage. If an application is sent after 60 days, coverage for the newborn will not be backdated and the family is responsible for the care the newborn received in the first 60 days.
Ensure you are submitting enrollment forms for all eligible family members for coverage and to eliminate costly out-of-pocket expenses.
For DEERS registration sponsors will need a certificate of live birth from the hospital or birth certificate, and the child’s social security card.
For more information on newborn or adopted child TRICARE Prime enrollment or any TRICARE coverage plan, please call 1-800-444-5445 or go to