JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas (AFNS) — The Air Force Career Intermission Program application window opens July 1 for eligible Airmen interested in taking one to three years off active duty for personal or professional needs.
Applications must reach the Air Force Personnel Center no later than Aug. 31, with the total force selection panel scheduled to convene Sept. 29.
The program, in its second year, allows up to 40 top-performing regular Air Force and career status Active Guard or Reserve officers and enlisted members to be inactivated and transferred to the Individual Ready Reserve, receiving partial pay for up to three years, before returning to active duty.
During the 2014 pilot program, 35 regular Air Force, Guard and Reserve Airmen were approved to participate. They included 33 regular Air Force, one Guard and one Reserve Airman. The 35 selected included 15 officers and 20 enlisted personnel; 18 women and 17 men.
The Career Intermission Program allows participants to retain full medical and dental benefits for themselves and their dependents, as well as exchange and commissary benefits. Participants also receive a stipend of 1/15th of their monthly basic pay. In addition, members will be allowed an Air Force-funded permanent change of station move to anywhere in the U.S. when entering the program, and a move to their base of assignment when they complete the program.
Return to duty following a Career Intermission Program intermission is the key to the program. Top performers with bright futures won’t have to separate to take care of personal or other professional concerns, and once they return to active-duty service, those Airmen will bring greater experience, education, knowledge, commitment and passion to their career, said Col. Arch Bruns the AFPC Personnel Services director.
While participating in Career Intermission Program, Airmen will be required to maintain all Air Force standards, including health and fitness and be ready to fully resume their duties.
Airmen approved for CIP will incur a service commitment of two months for every one month of CIP participation.
General information and complete eligibility criteria are available on the myPers website. Select the appropriate component and corps from the drop down menu and enter “Career Intermission Program” in the search window. Links to component specific application procedures will be available July 1.