Deadlift Competition June 19, 3 p.m. – Haeffner
A deadlift competition will be held at the Haeffner on Friday, June 19 from 3 – 4:30 p.m.. Register at the Benko by June 18 at 11 p.m.
Salt River Kayaking July 25
Escape the Tucson heat and enjoy the cool water of Salt River while kayaking below thousand foot cliffs. Sign-up deadline is July 20. Minimum age: 18. Cost $25/person. Call 228-3736 for more information.
Summer Swing Weekly Bowling Mondays, 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. – D-M Lanes
From June 1 – Aug. 31, the D-M Lanes will host a weekly tournament from 6:30-9:30 p.m. on Mondays. Cost is $20/bowler. Three game minimum. Each player receives participation points and additional points for position each week. For more info, call 228-3461.
Society of Military Widows to meet June 20, noon – Mirage Club
The ladies of the Society of Military Widows will have their monthly meeting and luncheon at noon, Saturday, June 20 at the Mirage Club at Davis Monthan Air Force Base. For information and reservations, please call Kay Spargur (520) 574-6628 at least 10 days prior to the date of the luncheon.
Sunset Horseback Ride August 8, 4 – 8 p.m. – Outdoor Rec
Saddle up and enjoy a 2-hour sunset horseback ride through the Saguaro National Park. Single Airmen can sign-up beginning July 6. All others may sign-up beginning July 13. Final deadline is July 31. Minimum age: 18. Cost of $25/person. Call 228-3736 for more information.
NARFE Chapter 55 meetings on hiatus for summer
The National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association, Chapter 55, will break for the summer and hold their next monthly luncheon meeting Sept. 14. For further information please call 520-444-6970.
Stay and Play Wednesdays, 10-11:30 a.m. – Youth Center instruction room
This is a new program for parents and children ages birth to five years. Features open play-time, parent-child activities, circle time, parenting support and education. Registration is not required. For more information, call 321-1500.
Money on the Road Program
Money on the Road is an Airman & Family Readiness program designed to bring financial readiness/counseling TO YOUR unit! Our counselors can teach classes and be available for one-on-one counseling or to answer general questions. We tailor our visit to your unit specific needs. You provide a temporary location for us and we provide efficient financial counseling services. If your unit is interested in our Money on the Road program, please call us at 228-5690.
Attention all Airmen — Volunteers Needed!
Volunteers are needed in a variety of areas on D-M and in the local community. Volunteering is an excellent way to become involved with the community, increase mentorship skills and enhance career growth. Find out some of the volunteer opportunities available by visiting For more information, call 228-5690.