JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas (AFNS) — Last week, the Air Force Personnel Center initiated a phased approach to notify approximately 83,000 Airmen of the requirement to enroll in the applicable enlisted professional military education distance learning course. AFPC will notify 20,000 Airmen at the beginning of each month until all members have been notified.
In July 2014, the Air Force announced the new EPME model, which introduces Airmen to appropriate institutional competencies at specific milestones throughout their career. The new program still includes three levels of PME, but now incorporates distance learning course completion as a prerequisite for in-resident NCO and senior NCO academy attendance.
Airmen should complete their distance learning course within 12 months of the AFPC notification message. Airmen who are already enrolled in a distance learning course with a completion date agreement with Air University should complete their course by the original agreement date. Of note, the AFPC notification does not extend the 12-month completion window for Airmen already enrolled in Course 15, NCO Academy Distance Learning Course or Course 14 Version 6, Senior NCO Academy Distance Learning Course.
When circumstances, such as deployment, prevent Airmen from completing the course within 12 months, they may request an exception to policy. Requests must include wing commander or equivalent concurrence.