LUKE AIR FORCE BASE, ARIZONA — Whether once or twice a year, all officers and enlisted Airmen must participate in the Air Force’s fitness assessment.
The purpose of the Air Force Fitness Program is to emphasize total fitness of today’s Airmen. By participating in a year-round physical program that includes eating healthy, aerobic conditioning, strength and flexibility training, Airmen are prepared for the four testable components.
“We have a physical training testing program because the Air Force wants us to be healthy and in shape to help defend and fight for our country,” said Tech. Sgt. Marquita Magee, 56th Force Support Squadron fitness assessment cell manger. “How can we protect our country if we’re not in top physical condition, which enables us to conquer the enemy and support the mission?”
The overall fitness test consists of weight, height and waist measurements, pushups and sit-ups, and a mile-and-a-half run performed to expectations in a an allotted time.
Airmen receive age and gender-specific composite scores based on the following maximum component scores: 60 points for the run, 20 points for waist measurement, 10 points for pushups and 10 points for sit-ups. All components of the assessment must be completed within a three hour period on the same day.
The assessment is completed by trained and certified physical training leaders or a fitness assessment cell.
“The fitness program is a force-wide program which falls under each wing’s fitness assessment cell to execute,” said Senior Airman Sehne Philemon, 56th FSS fitness assessment cell monitor. “The 56th Fighter Wing has assigned the responsibility of administering the assessments to a group of trained augmentees from each unit who are assigned to the FAC on 30-day rotations. The FAC is managed by permanent managers who ensure all areas of the AFI 36-2905 are met.”
Airmen who are not medically cleared to complete the aerobic portion of the test will be tested on a two kilometer walk as determined by the exercise physiologist or fitness program manager. With a duty-limiting condition profile, an Airman may be exempt from one or all of the testing components.
Those with duty limiting conditions must achieve a minimum of 75 adjusted points, based on points available, and meet the minimum component standards.
Pushups and sit-ups may be accomplished before or after the one-and-a-half-mile run or two kilometer walk but the order of the test usually begins with the measurements followed by the pushups, sit-ups and finishes with the run.
In today’s changing military it is a requirement to meet the physical standards of the Air Force with more emphasis being placed on proper dieting, cardio and strength training so every Airmen can meet any challenge they may face.
“Air Force physical fitness standards have been tailored to meet the current combat needs of the Air Force,” Philemon said. “We are part of a transitioning international military and therefore must ensure all members are capable of filling combat roles if needed.”