JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas (AFNS) — Restricted senior rater endorsement and stratification for senior NCO enlisted performance reports will be implemented in conjunction with the July 31 senior master sergeant EPR closeout date.
Endorsement and stratification restrictions for senior NCOs are part of ongoing Air Force enlisted evaluation and promotion system changes underway since July 2014.
Announced in June, restrictions will limit the number of endorsements a senior rater may give to their promotion-eligible master sergeants and senior master sergeants. Senior raters will be restricted to endorsing only the top 20 percent of their senior master sergeants eligible for promotion to chief master sergeant and the top 10 percent of their master sergeants eligible for promotions to senior master sergeant.
This percentage correlates with historical promotion rates for each grade.
In addition to endorsements, senior raters have the option to include written stratification in their optional comment or “push-line” in the final evaluator’s comments section on Air Force Form 911, the EPR for master sergeant through senior master sergeant, which was released July 31.
Senior rater endorsement and stratification authorizations are based on the total number of time-in-grade and time-in-service promotion-eligible master sergeants and senior master sergeants a senior rater has. Senior raters will no longer be authorized to stratify their promotion-eligible senior NCOs based on the joint service population and grade.
For example, if a senior rater has 200 senior master sergeants, but only 100 are TIG/TIS promotion eligible, the senior rater may endorse up to 20 of the eligible senior master sergeants by marking the appropriate block on the EPR form. The senior rater can also provide a written stratification in the push-line like “my #1 of 100 SMSgts” if the rater chooses. Senior raters also have the option to endorse a member without including stratification.
Only the senior rater may include written stratification on EPRs for senior NCOs they endorse. Lower-level stratification and stratification by deputy and intermediate evaluators is prohibited, to include lower-level stratification on those evaluations endorsed by the senior rater.
Additional information on restricted endorsement and stratification, and other changes to the evaluation and promotion systems, are available on the myPers Enlisted Evaluation System and Weighted Airman Promotion System changes page.
For more information about Air Force personnel programs go to the myPers website. Individuals who do not have a myPers account can request one by following the instructions on the Air Force Retirees Services website.