FORT LEE, Va. – Vendors in stateside commissaries will offer expanded discounts on 120 name-brand products during DeCA’s first ever Black Friday sales Nov. 27-29. Commissaries in Alaska and Hawaii are also participating but with fewer items.
These sales will be in addition to savings on current sales packages, said Tracie Russ, the Defense Commissary Agency’s director of sales.
“There will be free giveaways and high-value coupons available throughout the stores bringing prices down to levels we haven’t seen in years,” Russ said.
Some of the items expected to be discounted under the “Black Friday” tag include certain health and beauty products, coffee, tea, candy, nuts, juices, pet food, noodles, lunch meat, mayonnaise, energy drinks and paper products. Also look for the Black Friday banners that are located outside of local commissaries.