Mission: To provide accurate, timely and relevant weather analyses, forecasts, warnings, and briefings to Air Force, Army, National Guard, Reserve and Combatant Command forces operating in the western hemisphere. Additionally, the 25th OWS produces aviation hazard forecasts for flight levels above 18,000 feet and all synoptic analysis across the entire U.S. Northern Command area of responsibility. Finally, as a key component of the Air Force Weather Weapon System, the 25th OWS provides initial qualification and up-grade training for weather forecaster apprentices and weather officer accessions.
Vision: Weather professionals providing ops-focused weather support while training the future of our force, taking care of our Airmen while embracing the Air Force core values, transforming weather operations and training with innovation and efficiency while preparing Airmen to meet our nation’s challenges.
Description: There are more than 250 active-duty and civilian personnel.
Slogan: “Desert Cats … Stormin’ In!”
History: The Army Air Forces constituted the 25th Weather Squadron on Oct. 28, 1943, at Patterson Field, Ohio. It was assigned to the Army Air Forces Weather Wing four days later. The squadron, redesignated the 25th OWS Feb. 5, 1999, was activated April 1, 1999, at Davis-Monthan AFB. The 25th OWS is a unit of the 1st Weather Group under the 557th Weather Wing.