55th Rescue Squadron
Mission: Rapidly deploy highly survivable Combat Search and Rescue forces to theater commanders. Employs HH-60G and pararescue forces in hostile threat environments during the day or night, and in marginal weather conditions. Conducts military operations other than war including disaster relief, counter drug operations and non-combatant or medical evacuation. Provides close-air support to assigned pararescue and ground forces.
Vision: The personnel recovery vertical lift force of choice, across the full spectrum of PR operations in support of joint, combined service and interagency operations.
Slogan: “These Things We Do, That Others May Live”
55th Electronic Combat Group
Mission: Provides combat-ready EC-130H compass call aircraft, crews, maintenance and operational support to combatant commanders. The group also plans and executes information operations, including information warfare and electronic attack, in support of theater campaign plans. Members of the 55th ECG conduct EC-130H aircrew initial qualification and difference training for 10 aircrew specialties and support operational and force development testing and evaluation for new aircraft systems.
Description: The 55th ECG is a geographically separated unit of the 55th Wing headquartered at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska.