Mission: Provide 355th FW, 12th AF HQ, and tenant units’ command, control, communications, and computer capability with mobile and fixed communications systems, official mail and knowledge operations support. Secure critical base-wide information resources and exchanges. Anticipate and respond to dynamic customer and mission needs. Deploy professional communications Airmen.
Vision: Aspire to exceed mission needs and customer expectations in an ever-changing environment.
Description: There are 132 military members and four civilians who provide communications support to Davis-Monthan AFB’s 6,200 personnel. The “Cobras” administer and maintain the base’s NIPRNet and SIPRNet infrastructure and more than 9,000 associated user accounts, ensuring availability of data while safeguarding the network from the persistent barrage of threats in the Cyber domain.
History: The 355th CS constituted as the 3415th Signal Service Detachment Oct. 10, 1944. It was redesignated the 355th CS and activated on May 1, 1992.
Slogan: “Desert Comm! Now You’re Talkin’”
355th Logistics Readiness Squadron
Mission: Deliver flawless logistics every day to execute the mission of the Desert Lightning Team. Provide a trained and ready team of unbeatable logistics warriors to meet any contingency whenever called upon, forever leading the way, always out in front.
Vision: A unified team of proud logistics professionals, focused on providing world-class agile combat support to the warfighter while simultaneously meeting the challenges of the future.
Description: There are more than 480 military and civilian service members that form a network of logistics professionals delivering quality products and services to customers. As a unit, LRS executes missions across distinctive logistics lines from material management, fuel, deployment/distribution to vehicle management.
Slogan: “LRS … Out In Front!”
Mission: Deliver agile contracting capabilities through innovating business solutions in support of the Desert Lightning mission.
Vision: Unified team of trained, ready and resilient contracting Airmen able to deliver superior contracting capabilities at home and abroad.
Description: The 355th CONS is comprised of 25 active-duty Airmen and 18 civilians. The unit directs contracting programs for the acquisition and administration of commodities, services and construction requirements in support of the 355th Fighter Wing and tenant units, including 12th Air Force, and the Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group. Maintains worldwide contingency contracting capability in support of any combatant command taskings.
Slogan: “We are … CONS!”
Mission: Provide continuous personnel and services support to Davis-Monthan’s warfighters, families, civilians and retirees. FSS professionals are driven to deliver effective, efficient and innovative solutions to meet the diverse demands of the full customer spectrum.
Vision: To become the benchmark of excellence for all force support squadrons … always finding viable solutions for those FSS supports.
Description: There are 145 military members, 71 appropriated and 291 nonappropriated employees. FSS deploys 65 to 70 military members a year while providing world-class customer support to the Desert Lightning Team.
History: The 355th Force Support Squadron is comprised of two squadrons, the 355th MSG and the 355th Services Squadron. The 355th MSG activated May 1, 1992, and the 355th SS activated Jan. 1 Jan 1998. The two squadrons combined and were designated as the 355th Force Support Squadron Aug. 28, 2008.
Slogan: “FSS … No Rest For The Best”
Mission: Provide healthy combat forces, ready medics and trusted healthcare to all we serve.
Vision: A culture of empowered medics delivering trusted healthcare.
Description: The 355th Medical Group ensures combat medical readiness of the Desert Lightning Team for global contingencies. With an authorized staff of 413 and a resource allocation totaling $27 million, the medical group ensures that warriors at Davis-Monthan are medically fit-to-fight. In addition to training and equipping/manning 29 mobility teams, we strive to promote the health and wellness of the Davis-Monthan community by meeting the health care needs of our 46,900 eligible Defense Department beneficiaries. The Desert Lightening Medics also promote preventive medicine programs to maintain maximum Air Force readiness and monitor the environment and occupational work areas for hazards while supporting worldwide contingency operations.
Slogan: “Lightning Care Anywhere!”
355th Medical Support Squadron
Mission: The 355th Medical Support Squadron plans and directs $37million in resource acquisition and health services delivery. The squadron also provides logistical and support activities for four operational squadrons with more than 400 members. MDSS manages the medical group’s financial/manpower programs, administrative support, information systems, TRICARE operations, laboratory, radiology, medical logistics and pharmacy services. The squadron also maintains a 208,000 square-foot medical campus, vehicle fleet and equipment repair and maintenance.
Vision: Support the warfighter by maximizing our resources to ensure Airmen are ready for deployment while ensuring the health of our beneficiaries as we develop and nurture our people.
Description: There are 137 active-duty, civilian and contract personnel.
Slogan: “Coyote Pride … Far and Wide”
355th Aerospace Medicine Squadron
Mission: Ensures the fighter wing can provide combatant commanders with a mission-ready force capable of deploying anywhere in the world on a moment’s notice. The squadron provides medical care to maximize the health and welfare of our warriors and their family members both in theater and at home.
Vision: A worldclass healthcare organization comprised of resilient Warrior Airmen, armed with precise tools and training; powered by a culture of leadership and innovation; prepared to provide the fighter wing fully qualified war-fighters which exceeds combatant commander expectations.
Description: Comprised of a diverse group of 68 active-duty and civilian medical and administrative professionals.
Slogan: “Airmen can soar higher, shoot further, fly faster and perform better”
Mission: Ensures dentally fit-to-fight “Desert Lightning Team Warriors”. Maximize the oral health and welfare of our community, through patient centered care.
Vision: Provide high quality dental services to active duty personnel in a timely and cost-efficient manner. Provide highly skilled professional providers and technicians in support of the 355th Wing mission and the 355th Medical Group’s peace and war time missions.
Description: The 355th DS is comprised of nine dental officers, 17 enlisted and 20 civilian personnel. The team provides dental services to over 6,000 AD, (Guard and Reserve when on AD orders) assigned to Davis-Monthan AFB. The squadron can support an array of dental needs, all eligible members will receive at least one dental exam and cleaning per year and any subsequent treatment needed. We maintain relationships with several dental specialists in the local community to refer patients for some specialty care. These relationships with our network providers enhance our capabilities to ensure Davis-Monthan warfighters remain mission “READY”.
Slogan: “Bringing the Bite to the Fight”
355th Medical Operations Squadron
Mission: Ensures combatant commanders have a ready force of warfighters who are “fit-to-fight.” In addition, MDOS provides combat-ready medical personnel to execute medical support worldwide. In garrison, the squadron provides medical care to maximize the health and welfare of our current and retired warriors and their family members.
Vision: The 355th MDOS partners with the community to deliver world-class healthcare anytime, anywhere.
Description: There is a diverse group of 195 active-duty, civilian and contractor medical professionals.
Slogan: “MDOS … Keeps you fit to fight!”