The Armed Services Blood Program is conducting a blood drive from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Feb. 4 at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base Benko Gym. It is open to all service members, their spouses and Defense Department civilians.
The ASBP is the official military blood program and sole provider of blood to Iraq and Afghanistan. Its mission is to provide quality blood products and services for all worldwide customers in peace and war.
The ASBP is a tri-service organization comprised of donor centers from the Army, Air Force and Navy.
ASBP directly supports military service members and their families worldwide to include military hospitals, ships, combat support hospitals and medics on the front line. All blood that is collected will be in Iraq or Afghanistan within four days of collection.
While ASBP’s first priority is providing for wounded warriors in overseas operations, they also provide blood to Soldiers, family members and retirees at military treatment facilities.
Donating blood is a great way for service members and civilians to support the warfighter. One donation could save three people’s lives.
Service members, dependents, and DOD civilians are the backbone of the ASBP. When accidents, injuries or illness occur, military service members and their families worldwide can rest assured that a donor’s selfless contribution could help save their life. Give the gift of life: come out to support the ASBP and save a complete stranger.
For more information, or to set up an appointment, call 520-228-1915 or 520-228-2681 or e-mail or Walk-ins are welcome.
Courtesy of 2nd Lt. Gregory Cox, 355th MDG