Share your paranormal stories with us

Courtesy photo/Mathieu Beaulieu

Every year the Beacon staff prepares stories of the paranormal as they relate to March Field for the October issues of the paper. This year there will be five issues in October, and we are asking for your help early.

Please contact us as soon as possible to share your stories or experiences of what might be considered strange or unusual or even paranormal activities right here at March Field. We need to get started on the research and stories now in order to have them ready for print in October.

In years past, we have participated in ghost hunts on base and interviewed many Team March members and former members who claim they have heard, felt or seen these type occurrences.

Helping us tell your stories, or just reading the stories we tell, makes for a spooktacular October for one and all!

Public affairs can be emailed at or contacted at 951-655-4137.