March, Travis team up to transport classic warbird


March, Travis 1

U.S. Air Force loadmasters from the 312th Airlift Squadron, 349th Air Mobility Wing, Travis Air Force Base, California, stand on the ramp of their C-5M Supergalaxy discussing the safest and most efficient way to load a TBM Avenger. They will fly the classic war bird from March Air Reserve Base to the Marine Corps Air Station Kaneohe Bay Air Show.

March, Travis 2

Some 452nd Logistics Readiness Squadron and Aerial Port Support Flight Airmen, steer the rear landing gear wheel during the winching of a TBM Avenger aboard a C-5M Supergalaxy The C-5 arrived from the 349th Air Mobility Wing, Travis Air Force Base, California, to transport the classic war bird to the Marine Corps Air Station Kaneohe Bay Air Show.