Lykins assumes command of 452nd CS

U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Kevin Mitterholzer

Lieutenant Colonel Rodney D. Lykins assumed command of the 452nd Communications Squadron at the Cultural Resource Center, here at March Air Reserve Base, April 2.

Colonel Arthur J. Rodi, 452nd Mission Support Group commander, presided over the assumption of command ceremony.

“It’s not about you, it’s about the men and women that you’re going to lead,” said Rodi. “You are charged with continuing the excellence that they have, and developing them to the best potential that they can achieve. I know you are up to the challenge.”

Lt. Col. Lykins previously served as the Director of Mission Assurance for the 379th Space Range Squadron at Schriever AFB, CO as an Air Force Reserve Technician.

“I can’t tell you what an honor and privilege it is to be here today,” said Lykins. “I am excited, but yet very humbled at the same time.”

Lt. Col. Lykins will be responsible for commanding a squadron that is responsible for all installation communications and information infrastructure supporting the Department of Defense, Air Force, and Air Force Reserve Command network enterprise. The 452nd Communications Squadron also provides direct C41 support for 4,200 reservists and over 1,500 civilian personnel.

“I pledge to you my personal commitment to lead this squadron as well as I know how,” said Lykins. “We’ll have highs and lows but I have no doubt that we’re up to the challenge. I promise you my best efforts every day, but I challenge you to also bring your ‘A’ game as well.”

Lt. Col. Lykins previous civilian employment includes Intel Corporation as an Anti-Malware Research Scientist and the University of Colorado as an Adjunct Instructor. He was also an Instructor of Political Science at the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO.

“He has a stellar academic background with three master’s degrees,” said Chief Master Sgt. Stephen J. Rouille, 452nd Communications Squadron, Cyber Superintendent. “We’re looking forward to leveraging his experience to continue our excellence.”