Navy Reserve celebrates its centennial

U.S. Air Force photo/Megan Crusher

More than 300 service members, veterans, elected officials, employers and members of the local community celebrated the Navy Reserve’s centennial at the Navy Operational Support Center, Moreno Valley, during the NOSC’s drill weekend, Mar. 14.

The event, held in the NOSC’s Drill Hall, began with the posting of the colors, National Anthem and a video showing Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, along with prominent members of each branch of military service, wishing the Navy Reserve a happy birthday and thanking them for 100 years of excellence.

CDR. Trey Glaze, commanding officer, NOSC Moreno Valley, thanked everyone in attendance for joining in their celebration and gave special recognition to civilian employers.

“We could not do what we do as a Navy Reserve without the support of our employers, they are a key part of the strategic reserve of the USA for allowing civilian employees to put on this uniform and serve this country as a part time citizen sailor,” Glaze said. “Thank you so much for doing what you do and helping us do what we do.”

Glaze then introduced guest speaker and the highest enlisted member of the Navy Reserve, Force Master Chief CJ Mitchell.

“I’m here to celebrate the duality of being a citizen sailor,” he said. “Being a citizen sailor today is advanced citizenship, it’s citizenship at an advanced high level.”

He went on to thank them (Sailors) for not only serving their country, but for then going home and serving their local communities.

He ended with a short story he felt demonstrated the dedicated Sailors currently serving in the Navy Reserve. He recently met a Reserve Sailor who enlisted four years ago as a 39 year old woman and now at age 43 is preparing for her second deployment. When he asked her why she enlisted at age 39, she said because she wanted to serve.

“Since 1915 to now, it’s something to celebrate, it’s something to recognize, it’s something to educate our young people and communities about and something to be very proud of, Mitchell said. “I am very proud of you.”

After a video highlighting notable contributions of the Navy Reserve over the last 100 years was played, Glaze highlighted several WWII, Korea and Vietnam veterans in attendance and thanked them for their service.

Congressman Mark Takano, California’s 41st District, also wished the Navy Reserve a happy birthday and thanked them for their service.

The Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve was on deck providing an employer’s appreciation breakfast for Sailors and their employers. The ceremony was wrapped up with the presentation of the Patriotic Employer Award to eight employers and the Seven Seals Award to three employers for their support of the Navy Reserve, followed by the ceremonial cutting of the anniversary cake.

After the ceremony Glaze, who is an active duty Sailor, said the event went very well and re-emphasized the significance of the Reserve Force.

“The US could not fight and win a war without the support of the Navy Reserve and therefore the more we as active duty incorporate them into our training the better fighting force we’re going to be.”

The Navy Reserve, Ready Then, Ready Now, Ready Always.