Second Lt. Sandra Suito, 355th Civil Engineer Squadron project manager, attempts the final obstacle of the Alpha Warrior Competition at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., July 21, 2017. The top three male and female performers received a variety of prizes such as a complimentary lunch for Club Ironwood and sporting goods.
The 355th Force Support Squadron hosted the Alpha Warrior Competition at the Haeffner Fitness and Sports Center at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., July 21. 2017.
In April 2016, Davis-Monthan AFB was one of the 18 military installations to be selected to host the battle rig competition.
The top three male and female performers received a variety of prizes such as complimentary lunch certificates for Club Ironwood and sporting goods. The winners of the battle rig will get a chance to showcase their talents in the next round scheduled to be held here this October.
“The winners will move on to the regional competition trying their skills against competitors from other Air Force bases in Arizona and New Mexico,” said Master Sgt. Carrie Caudill, 355th FSS fitness and sports superintendent. “Winners from the regionals will get sponsored by the Air Force Services Agency to compete in the worldwide competition held in San Antonio later in the year.”
Master Sgt. Jonathan McClure, 355th Force Support Squadron first sergeant, begins the Alpha Warrior Challenge at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., July 21, 2017. The top three male and female performers received a variety of prizes such as complimentary lunch certificates for Club Ironwood and sporting goods.
The 16 competitors raced against the clock performing multiple moves of calisthenics to include broken bars, pipe bombs and battering rams, testing each participant’s skill, agility and experience.
“The fact that you are in good (shape regarding) cardiovascular and strength, does not mean that you would be successful going through the Alpha Warrior rig,” said Cesar Vinueza, 355th FSS fitness center manager. “The obstacle requires a great deal of grip, and forearm and bicep strength. The lower body is not allowed to be used for any of the obstacles.”
The following Airmen were selected as finalists to move on to the regional competition:
- Senior Airman Tanner McKinley, 355th Security Forces Squadron
- Master Sgt. Kevin Sitko, 355th Medical Group
- Staff Sgt. Jeremiah Garber, 355th Maintenance Group
- 2nd Lt. Sandra Suito, 355th Civil Engineer Squadron
- Senior Airman Kiah Wilson, 355th Logistics Readiness Squadron
Staff Sgt. Sean Hopper, 48th Rescue Squadron pararescuemen, begins the Alpha Warrior Competition at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., July 21, 2017. The top three male and female performers received a variety of prizes such as a complimentary lunch for Club Ironwood and sporting goods.
Airman 1st Class Sergiy Ivanstov, assigned to the 355th Logistics Readiness Squadron, dominates the broken bars during the Alpha Warrior Challenge at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., July 21, 2017. Sixteen competitors raced against the clock performing multiple moves of calisthenics to include broken bars, pipe bombs and battering rams, testing each participant’s skill, agility and experience.
Master Sgt. Kevin Sitko, 355th Medical Group training manager, performs on broken bars during the Alpha Warrior Competition at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., July 21, 2017. The top three male and female finalists will move on to the regional competition that is scheduled to be held here in October.