Airman Zachary Stratton and Cristina Byrd, 355th Force Support Squadron guest service representatives, confirm a reservation at the Air Force Inns at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., May 19, 2017. The guest service desk takes reservations, checks guests in and out of lodging, and provides directions to new guests.
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., and Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany, were recently named the 2017 Air Force Innkeeper Award winners.
The two bases were among eight finalists in two categories. Davis-Monthan won the large category (286 rooms or more), while Spangdahlem won the small category (285 rooms or fewer).
“The hard work, dedication and commitment of the lodging managers and their team resulted in Spangdahlem and Davis-Monthan being recognized as the best lodging operations in the Air Force,” said Col. Donna Turner, AFSVA commander.
Dover AFB, Del.; Mountain Home AFB, Idaho; and Laughlin AFB, Texas, joined Spangdahlem as small category finalists. Eielson AFB, Alaska; Hurlburt Field, Fla., and Incirlik AB, Turkey, joined Davis-Monthan as large category finalists.
Each major command, or MAJCOM, nominated a lodging operation within its command to compete for the award. The lodging operations were evaluated on customer service, housekeeping, financial status and management.
Serving as an evaluator was a rewarding experience for Maj. Adam Baker, Air Force Lodging chief.
“This allows you to get out and see some people doing some amazing work,” said Baker, who was on the small category team. “I expected them to be awesome, and they were. All of the installations I visited showcased Services professionals investing in Airmen and families.”
Daniel Baker, lodging manager at Davis-Monthan, said he was surprised his team won.
“We worked hard to prepare,” Baker said. “The evaluation was very in-depth, and they checked every aspect of the operation. Our motto is AIR, or Always Innkeeper Ready. Our goal every day is to provide clean, quality rooms to our guests with exceptional guest service displayed by the entire staff.”
Emily Day, lodging manager at the Eifel Arms Inn at Spangdahlem, said she wasn’t surprised Spangdahlem won.
“My staff has such dedication and drive that I was confident we would bring the trophy back to Spangdahlem,” Day said. “We’re a family of American and German Nationals, and since we’re a family, we provide our guests with outstanding customer service and welcome them as though they are family, too.”
The evaluation team also nominated one person from each installation for the Innkeeper Travelers’ Award, which honors those who exhibit the highest standards of professionalism, customer service and job knowledge.
The nominees are Serdal Aydin (Incirlik); Cristina Byrd (Davis-Monthan); Jonelle Kurdziolek (Eielson); Martin Molli (Spangdahlem); Michele Riley (Dover); Stephen Robinson (Mountain Home); Abby Salas (Laughlin); and Diana Yelder (Hurlburt).
AFSVA will announce the overall Travelers’ award winners and present the Innkeeper Award trophies at the 2017 Lodging Managers Workshop Nov. 7-10 at MacDill AFB, Fla.