A U.S. Air Force Airman disposes of unused medication in a medication disposal system at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., March 21, 2018. Medication disposal systems are used to safely discard unused or expired medications.
The 355th Medical Group from Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., recently installed medication disposal systems that are available to those with base access.
The new medication disposal systems are easy to use and anonymous; individuals can drop-off unwanted or expired medications at the base clinic and exchange pharmacies during their duty hours.
“It’s a requirement to have a program in place to receive drugs back or where patients can drop them off to be properly disposed,” said Major Michele Serrano, 355th Medical Support Squadron pharmacy flight commander.
The medication disposal systems are helpful to all of the base populace from retirees to Airmen living in the dorms.
Tech. Sgt. Courtney Carrothers, 355th Medical Support Squadron pharmacy flight chief, and Major Michele Serrano, 355th MSS pharmacy flight commander, pose for a photo in front of a medication disposal system at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., March 21, 2018. The new medication disposal systems are easy to use and anonymous; individuals can drop of unwanted or expired medications at the base clinic and exchange pharmacies during their duty hours.
“Our base population has a lot of elderly members,” said Tech Sgt. Courtney Carrothers, 355th MDSS pharmacy Flight Chief. “We were doing a takeback one year and they had stuff from 1968 in a glass bottle that had a typewriter label on it.”
Airmen residing in the dorms, who may have previously been unsure what to do with unused or expired prescriptions, now have a safe and easy option for medication disposal.
“Many Airmen have expired or unused medication in the dorms, and this gives them another avenue to dispose of them properly,” Carrothers said.
Schedule 2-5 prescriptions as well as over the counter medications are accepted in the medication disposal systems, with the exception of injectables or aerosol.
The newly installed medication disposal systems sits at the clinic pharmacy of Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., March 21, 2018. Medication disposal systems are helpful to the base populace as they provide a safe and effective way to dispose of expired of unused medication.