Staff Sgt. Isaac Vance, 355th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron quality assurance inspector, performs an inspection on an A-10 Thunderbolt II at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., May 23, 2018. QA evaluates the quality of maintenance and perform necessary functional checks in order to ensure the safety of pilots and ground crews.
Comprised of the most qualified and knowledgeable Airmen in the maintenance career field, quality assurance inspectors provide an integral role in maintaining airpower.
QA inspectors must possess the technical knowledge to be able to evaluate aircraft and equipment condition, training and proficiency of maintenance technicians, and quality verification and special inspections.
“We’re the eyes and ears of the maintenance group commander,” said Staff Sgt. Bryant Hernandez, 355th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron quality insurance inspector.
Through conducting inspections and identifying trends, QA is able to make sure that maintainers work safely and airfield operations run smoothly.
One of the most important types of inspections that QA performs is key task listings, which are inspection items that are deemed of the highest importance by the commander.
Staff Sgt. Isaac Vance, 355th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron quality assurance inspector, performs an inspection on an A-10 Thunderbolt II at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., May 23, 2018.
While QA inspectors must be disciplinarians and are at times seen as “bad guys,” they see themselves as teachers above all else.
The result of a QA inspection may not always be positive, however, inspectors must remain vigilant in order to break compliance and negative trends.
“We are employed to make sure everyone adheres to the standards and ultimately we’re a tool for training,” Hernandez said.
One of the most rewarding aspects of being a QA inspector and a subject matter expert in aircraft maintenance is the ability to teach young airmen and answer any questions.
Staff Sgt. Bryant Hernandez and Staff Sgt. Isaac Vance, 355th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron quality assurance inspectors, review an external inspection chart of an A-10 Thunderbolt II at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., May 23, 2018.