From the desk of the 452 AMW Inspector General


Col. Ray Danowski, inspector general

Maj. Evert Wells, deputy inspector general

I am Col. Ray Danowski, 452nd Air Mobility Wing Inspector General, and Maj. Evert Wells, is my deputy IG. We are here to handle your complaints resolution needs. We are also responsible for establishing an active Fraud, Waste and Abuse (FWA) program on base.

The success of our FWA program lies with each individual assigned to the base. Support by both military and civilian members is crucial in preventing and eliminating FWA. You must report any FWA or lack of controls that could allow resources to be wasted or diverted from their intended purpose. 

Here are some definitions to help you determine if FWA is occurring:

Fraud – any intentional deception designed to unlawfully deprive the Air Force of something of value or for an individual to secure from the Air Force a benefit, privilege, allowance or consideration to which he or she is not entitled

Waste – the extravagant, careless or needless expenditure of Air Force funds or the consumption of Air Force property resulting from the deficient practices, systems controls or decisions. The term also includes improper practices not involving prosecutable fraud.

Abuse – the intentional, wrongful or improper use of Air Force resources. Examples include misuse of rank, position or authority that causes the loss or misuse of resources.

Gross Mismanagement – management action or inaction that creates a substantial risk or significant adverse impact on the organization’s ability to accomplish the mission. It is more than mere trivial wrongdoing or negligence. It does not include management decisions that are merely debatable, nor does it mean action or inaction that constitutes simple negligence or wrongdoing.  There must be an element of blatancy.

If you discover a FWA violation on base, you should first contact your unit FWA monitor. If the violation is not addressed, feel free to contact me or Maj. Wells on the wing FWA Hotline at 951-655-4400. You also have the option of contacting the Air Force Reserve Command FWA Hotline at 800-223-1784 extension 4971513; Secretary of the Air Force FWA Hotline at 800-538-8429; or the Defense Department FWA Hotline at 800-424-9098. Please try to work your issue at the lowest level in the name of expediency.

These austere times dictate that we should be aware of and report FWA. Keep your eyes open and help us be as economical as possible. You may want to consider volunteering to be your unit FWA monitor should you need an additional duty.

Feel free to visit our office in the Education and Training Center, Bldg. 441, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on drill weekends if you have any FWA concerns. Just look for the double doors east of the Education Office’s entrance. We are available for appointments by calling 951-655-4478 or you may email us at