As the Navy approaches its 240th year of operating both at home and forward (October 13th), focus is brought once again to people platforms, and partnerships. The Navy can respond faster, remain on station longer, and carry out mission without needing anyone else’s permission.
In addition to the Navy turning 240, this year also marks the 100th anniversary of the Chief of Naval Operations and the Navy Reserve Force. The theme of this year is Ready Then, Ready Now, Ready Always.
Ready Then:
Throughout history, the U.S. Navy has deployed in peace to protect the sea lanes of communication and to advance and safeguard America’s relationships and ideals. In conflict, they have defeated determined enemies at sea, in the air and ashore. Their forward-deployed naval presence delivers security, influence, and responsiveness unmatched by any other service or platform.
Ready Now:
Time and again the U.S. Navy has proven themselves to be the most immediate, the most capable and the most adaptable option when a crisis develops. More than ever, today’s Navy is demographically representative of the nation they serve, which is critically important both to the quality of its all-volunteer force and to fulfilling the principles of the republic they defend.
Ready Always:
Today’s Navy faces a myriad of demands from humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, to working with partners and allies, to dealing with multiple threats and potential conflicts. They meet these demands, and many more, using talented and resourceful people, superior platforms and equipment, demonstrating the versatility and flexibility that is the hallmark of their force.