Have you received an Army Provider Level Satisfaction Survey in the mail about your visit and care at Weed Army Community Hospital facilities here?
Filling out the APLSS is your opportunity to provide WACH leadership with anonymous feedback, which is taken very seriously at all levels. The APLSS is fielded by the Office of the U.S. Army Surgeon General.
Although filling out an Interactive Customer Evaluation comment is still the preferred and most expedient way for registering complaints, the APLSS focuses on specific issues ranging from how the hospital staff cared for the patient during their visit, access to care, facility cleanliness, and courtesy of the staff. Patients are randomly mailed a letter asking them to complete a brief questionnaire regarding their Weed Army Community Hospital care.
Why is the APLSS so important to you?
Completing the survey gives you the opportunity to have your opinions put directly before United States Army Medical Department Activity and WACH leadership, where it counts. Survey results not only help to identify areas of improvement, they are also used to formally recognize and reward hospital staff for providing outstanding care. Consequently, funds for your hospital are directly based on your responses and overall satisfaction ratings.
So, next time you get an APLSS letter in the mail, take the time to complete the survey. The responses that you give the WACH team directly affect Fort Irwin health facilities and ensure you and your family receive the best possible care we can provide.