Nov. 7
Newberry Springs Pistachio Festival. 9 a.m. 30884 Newberry Road. Free admission. Pistachio, food, barbecue, crafts vendors. Bounce house and games. Coloring contest. T-shirts. Vendors needed; call Jill at 257-1072.
Nov. 8
USO Show. 4 p.m. Sandy Basin Community Center. Free music show by Bob Hope USO of Ontario performing patriotic, holiday, Big Band, 50’s – 80’s, disco, Motown, country, Broadway and current Top 40 hits.
Nov. 10
Protestant Women of the Chapel “Give Thanks” program. 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Center Chapel. All ladies, including active duty Soldiers, welcomed. Thanksgiving dinner, festive crafts, fellowship and worship. Children invited to participate. Childcare available. Contact Julie Mundell at or 386-0870.
Nov. 11
Veterans Day ceremonies: Mountain View Memorial Park cemetery, Barstow; General Patton Memorial Museum at Chiriaco Summit near Indio at exit 173 of I-10; Desert View Cemetery, Victorville; parade at 7th Street in Victorville; Sunset Hills Memorial Park cemetery in Apple Valley.
Nov. 13
MCSC “Make it, Bake it of Fake it” luncheon. 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Sam Adams Ballroom. $15 Thanksgiving luncheon. Crafters, bakers or shoppers receive five opportunity tickets for each item you bring. Toy drive: bring new, unopened toys for boys and girl ages 1-12. RSVP by Nov. 8 at
Nov. 21
MCSC Wreath and Tree Winter Wonderland Dinner and Auction. 5-11 p.m. Sam Adams Ballroom. Cocktail and social hour, 5-6 p.m. Dinner and auction, 6-11 p.m. $20 advance tickets or $25 at the door. Childcare available through CDC (reserve by Nov. 6). Date night attire (no jeans). Go to or contact
Nov. 23, 30; Dec. 2, 7
Financial Peace University. 6-10:30 p.m. Building 552 on G Avenue. Learn to budget and manage finances, get out of debt and prepare your financial future. Free materials and enrollment for servicemembers and their spouses. Additional dates: Dec. 9, 14, 16 and Jan. 4, 6. For more details, contact your unit chaplain or Maj. Zach Mundell at
Nov. 25
National American Indian Heritage Month celebration. 11:30 a.m.- 1 p.m. Sandy Basin Community Center. 2015 theme is “Growing Native Leaders: Enhancing our Seven Generations. Cultural celebration, guest speaker, food sampling.
Dec. 13
PWOC Christmas Party. 5 p.m. Center Chapel. Fort Irwin female Soldiers invited to a three course meal, music, games and gifts. Childcare available when you RSVP by Dec. 4. Contact Julie Mundell to RSVP at or 386-0870.