The 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment received a very special honor from the city of Victorville, Jan 28.
The regiment was awarded a proclamation issued by Victorville Mayor Gloria Garcia.
Proclamations are ceremonial documents distributed by the mayor’s office to recognize extraordinary service provided by organizations or individuals supporting significant events within a community.
The proclamation recognized Blackhorse Soldiers, non-commissioned officers and commissioned officers for supporting three Veterans Day observances within the city.
On Nov. 11, 2015, the 11th ACR led the Victorville 19th Annual Veterans Day Parade with a horse mounted color guard, two “up-armored” combat vehicles and a formation of Troopers. Immediately following the parade, the regimental commanding officer, Col. Kevin Jacobi, honored and addressed local Veterans during a memorial ceremony while Soldiers and the 11th ACR Horse Detachment stood-fast in front of the city’s war monument. Afterwards, Soldiers gathered at the Victorville library to participate in a flag raising celebration in honor of the city’s new Veterans Healing Garden.
Several Blackhorse Soldiers not participating in the events gathered street-side in support of their comrades. Many friends and family members from Fort Irwin also attended the festivities.
According to Garcia, the turnout at the annual Veterans Day parade and memorial ceremony was the largest on record.
City Council Member Eric Negrete presented Jacobi with the proclamation in the presence of several hundred Soldiers during an after-duty regimental gathering at Shockwave here.
On behalf of Garcia, Negrete gave special thanks to Jacobi and the participating Blackhorse Troopers during his remarks.
Jacobi stated that it was an honor to receive the proclamation on behalf of the unit and that he appreciated every member of the Blackhorse team for their support to the regiment and surrounding communities.