The Army’s “Bulldog” brigade wrapped up a training rotation here the last week of April and, soon after, began moving equipment and Soldiers back to its home station of Fort Bliss, Texas.
The 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, conducted a final validation of its readiness, while training four weeks at the National Training Center – with two of those weeks in “the box.”
That readiness prepares the brigade to conduct operations in any environment, according to Maj. Gen. Stephen Twitty, commanding general of 1st Armored Division and Fort Bliss. His declaration appeared in a Department of the Army news release in March that also stated the Bulldogs are schedule to deploy later this spring to Kuwait.
“The Bulldog Brigade is well-trained, well-led and fully prepared for the challenges this mission will bring,” Twitty said in that March release.
The contemporary operating environment force during the decisive action rotation replicated a near-peer conventional force, host nation security forces, guerilla forces, insurgent forces, and a criminal element to replicate the complexities of the modern battlefield; combined together these elements of the NTC provide a tough, realistic training environment and first class leader development opportunity (NTC regulation 350-1).