FORT IRWIN, Calif. — The Obstetrician and Gynecological clinic staff presented the Teale family with a gift basket put together to celebrate the birth of the last baby born at old Weed Army Community Hospital Oct. 2.
“All the staff was really nice. It was a little crazy because half the stuff was moved to the new hospital,” said first-time mother Jaime Teale.
During Labor and Delivery’s transition from old WACH to new WACH, Baby Teale was the last baby to be born at old WACH Sept. 30 at 9:48 p.m. After delivery, the Teale family was transferred to the new hospital, where Teale noted the room to be “twice the size and absolutely gorgeous.” The staff had a couple of days to settle into the new hospital before the first baby was born at the facility. The family of the first baby born at new WACH was also presented with a gift basket by the Labor and Delivery staff.
According to Capt. Jonathan Abbot, Chief of Obstetrician and Gynecology, the new facility is state-of-the-art and provides a warm and welcoming environment for patients. The hospital routinely runs Code Pink drills in which the entire hospital engages in exercises to prevent infant abductions. The Mother Baby Unit has multiple sensors wired to the ELPAS system, an upgrade from the Hugs infant protection system that sets off an alarm if anyone attempts to take an infant off of the MBU floor without proper authorization. WACH also works with the Joint Commission to provide checks and balances from an outside source to ensure that patient safety remains a top priority in all facets of care.
Expectant mothers can look forward to high quality care around the clock, according to Abbot. He noted that the new WACH is the Department of Defense’s only Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) platinum-rated hospital with state-of-the-art rooms, medical equipment and a dedicated Mother-Baby staff.
“In support of the important mission the National Training Center is tasked with, the value of the medical care of the service members and dependents stationed at Fort Irwin cannot be underestimated,” he said. “With the building of this new hospital, Army Medical Command and the Army as a whole have demonstrated their commitment to that goal, and I am proud to be able to work here, to be a part of opening this hospital and to serve this community.”
For more information about Weed Army Community Hospital, visit