BIG BEAR VALLEY, Calif. — Even the clouds at Big Bear Lake recreation park agreed to accommodate for a relaxing day for the 1/11th ACR Red Devils and their families.
From a watermelon eating contest, to slurping colorful Icees and eating fiery grilled sausages, Family Day on June 11 showcased as a summer highlight for the 225 people who participated.
“The first meeting was a potluck back in 2018,” said 1st Sgt. Pedro Gonzales. “With each gathering, families continued to participate more and more. Our Commander made it a point to engage the families. Now we have a big event to culminate summer with. Family Day started out small and then it turned into what it is now, a big turnout and squadron tradition.”
Spouses interacted, teammates played football, children ran in the playground, and dogs relaxed in the shade. With the aroma from the barbecue grill smoke filling the air and the sound of corn hole bean bags hitting the wood planks, the goal of making Family Day engaging, proved successful for building relationships within the unit.
“A soldier’s work is real hard,” said Cpt. Travis Sorensen. “We can only do this with the support from our family members. This is a way to show that we care. We cannot do it without you. Thank you.”
As a memento celebrating the unit and the their families, Family Readiness Group leaders Leslie Sorensen and Kaitlyn Wright distributed tall drinking glasses with the logo of the 58th Combat Engineers Company, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment to the Red Devils.