FORT IRWIN, Calif. — Lt. Gen. Leslie C. Smith, the U.S. Army Inspector General, visited the National Training Center and Fort Irwin Feb. 10 to gain valuable insight on the readiness of the community.
During his visit, multiple sensing sessions were held with soldiers, family members and the civilian workforce to gain feedback on multiple levels.
“Our job is to help the Army see itself via sensing sessions,” Smith said. “My recent visit gave me a valuable opportunity to meet with members of the community to discuss specific areas where we can focus our efforts to further enhance the overall readiness.”
In recent months, Installation Management Command (IMCOM) along with Army Materiel Command, developed an Army-wide strategy to invest in housing, child care, PCS (permanent change of station) moves, and spouse employment. The Army has also developed a Quality of Life Task Force, which will focus on key installations that are critical to Army readiness.
“Our focus on enhancing the quality of life will also bolster morale and help us to train, fight and win in the next mission,” Smith said. “The Army has developed a Quality of Life Task Force focusing on areas that make each one of our installations a station of choice for our Soldiers, Civilians, and Family members.”
Back in December 2019, staff members with IMCOM held discussions with lower, mid-level and senior soldiers, along with their spouses and children to gain insight for better options that could improve the quality of life on Fort Irwin.
Several topics were mentioned by soldiers and spouses during the sessions, such as spouse employment, housing improvements, childcare availability and more variety for dining establishments.
According to Smith, addressing quality of life topics is critical to Army readiness and focusing on people is a, “Direct reflection of our commitment to ensure the welfare of our soldiers, civilians, and military families at all of our bases.”