FORT IRWIN, Calif. — Leaders at Silver Valley Unified School District’s Silver Valley High School have begun conducting weekly Facebook Live updates to families and students.
The live events began on Sept. 14 and will continue each Monday from 12:30-1p.m. They are hosted by Mike Sullivan, the principal of Silver Valley High School and Mike Meyer, Assistant Principal SVHS and Lewis Elementary. They ask that the community sends in their questions by Friday afternoon, to be answered each Monday.
Guests so far have included the football coach, counselors and the ASB teacher.
The community seems pleased.
“Communication has been great,” Lena Spalty said. “The lunch program has been a huge help. Thank you for all you are doing for our students.”
Claudia Beck echoed those sentiments saying, “Thank you, for keeping us updated all the time.”
There was a Virtual College Fair on Sept. 24 and first quarter progress reports have been distributed.
Counselor, Crystal Islas reminded parents and students that in order to go to a four-year college, students must have all C’s or above.
“Right now some students’ grades are not up to par,” Islas said.
She and Sullivan informed parents of the tutoring options available through the district high school.
“From one to two o’clock everyday, Monday through Thursday, we will have tutors in different subject areas available,” Sullivan said. “This is in addition to the Barstow Community College group tutoring that they have available as a non-credit course.”
Math and English teachers will be available four days a week (Mondays-Thursdays); Social Studies and Science will be available three days a week (Tuesdays-Thursdays), and all of the elective and athletic teachers will be available on Mondays from 1- 2p.m.
The high school principal recommended parents sign up for the Parent Portal and Infinite Campus to monitor alerts and notifications from the school.
Some exciting news came from Coach Jonathan Bowman.
“We’re looking at a date in December to start football in pads,” he said. They’re expecting that to happen between Dec. 1 — 14 and the first football game is scheduled for Jan. 9. The full schedule can be viewed on the high school website.
During the live sessions, the ASB (Associated Student Body) teacher, Mr. Wade Backlund also offered information on the National Honor Society and announced that graduation will be on May 25, along with a Disneyland trip on May 26th.
Sullivan reminded parents and teachers that there are still some students who have not picked up their required textbooks and said Mr. Meyer is happy to bring them to Fort Irwin and meet at Lewis Elementary, if needed.
Sullivan wants to let the community know that school leaders are available at the high school each weekday, saying, “We are here and ready to help.”
The principal and assistant principal can be reached at 760-254-2963.
“A lot of what we’re doing is trouble shooting and trying to find answers to questions you may have,” Sullivan said.
When it comes to returning to in-person classes, Sullivan said, “We will let you know as soon as we know. We follow the directions of the governor and the county, so as we’re allowed to, we will be prepared and that’s what we’re getting ready to do all the time and we can’t wait to see our kids back on campus again, especially the ones we don’t even know that well yet because they’re freshmen or we haven’t seen them.”