On May 28, the U.S. Army released its portion of the fiscal year 2022 presidential budget, guided by the Interim National Security Strategic Guidance and the Administration’s priorities, which continues to support the Army’s focus on people, readiness and modernization.
“This budget puts people first, maintains force readiness and continues the irreversible modernization momentum to develop next-generation capabilities to fight and win now and in future Joint All-Domain Operations,” said Christopher Lowman, senior official performing the duties of the Under Secretary of the Army.
The fiscal 2022 budget request of $173 billion is $3.6 billion less than enacted fiscal 2021. With the resources provided, Army leaders made deliberate decisions to fund the highest priority requirements supporting people initiatives, readiness goals and modernization efforts.
To provide for the Army’s No. 1 priority of people, the Military Pay request is $1.2 billion higher than the previous enacted year and will provide pay raises and recruiting-and-retention incentives to support a total force of more than 1 million Soldiers. The budget request includes funding for Army housing and barracks, provides increased support for the Sexual Harassment/Assault Response Prevention program, civilian talent management, plus a 2.7 percent civilian pay raise. It also increases funding for child care by expanding access to the Army Fee Assistance Program and continues efforts to attract and retain high-quality child care providers.
The Operation and Maintenance request is about $700 million less than previously enacted, due to changes in the CENTCOM posture. The O&M request will ensure readiness by funding home station training and 20 Combat Training Center rotations. It also funds the new Regionally Aligned Readiness and Modernization Model (ReARMM), which integrates equipment fielding and training with the Army’s modernization program.
Despite a $4 billion decrease in RDT&E and procurement from the enacted fiscal 2021 budget, the Army protected its six modernization priorities and 31+4 signature efforts. These focus areas support the Army Modernization Strategy and will provide the nation a Joint All-Domain force ensuring Soldiers have cutting edge technology required to maintain an advantage over adversaries. Because of this strategy, the Army is continuing in the development of leap-ahead capabilities and beginning to field new systems in long-range precision fires, air and missile defense, and soldier lethality, with more on the way in next generation combat vehicles, future vertical lift, and the Army network.
For additional information on the Army’s Fiscal Year 2022 budget request, visit https://www.asafm.army.mil/Budget-Materials/ or email Army Public Affairs at usarmy.pentagon.hqda-ocpa.mbx.mrd-press-desk@mail.mil.