Annie is a 1st grade student here at Lewis Elementary School. She started school with us during Transitional Kindergarten during the 2019-2020 school year. She loves camping with her family, swinging at the park, and family game nights. Some of her other interests are cheetahs, arts and crafts, and her cats Boo and Violet. Her favorite thing about school is Reading and Recess, and her teacher, Ms. McConnell shared that “Annie is a really good friend, really sweet, and a great helper.”
Kelly Hanson has been teaching at Lewis for 20 years. She is originally from Minnesota and moved out to California after being recruited at a job fair. She has taught both kindergarten and first Grade. This year she moved to her new position as a Response to Intervention (RTI) teacher for first grade. Ms. Hanson shared that she “loves being a RTI teacher because I get to work with small groups of students who are struggling academically and get to focus on their specific academic needs. I enjoy working with the students and families at Fort Irwin.” We are very lucky to have such a dedicated teacher as part of our Lewis family!