On Feb. 28, 2022 Operations Group gathered for the traditional OPS Call.
The following Soldiers were awarded the Army Achievement Medal for well-deserved achievements.
Sgt. First Class Collier (Bronco)
Sgt. First Class Parker (Cobra)
Spec. Torres (Dragon)
Capt. Willis (Eagle)
Capt. Edgar (Ghost)
Sgt. First Class Cabigon (Wagoneer)
Sgt. First Class Maya (Panther)
Sgt. First Class Santos (Sidewinder)
Capt. Joslin (Tarantula)
Pvt. Second Class Ramsey (Vulture)
Capt. Spicer (Wolf)
Capt. Rhodes (Goldminer)
After the long and hard Rotation the Line Teams submit paddle nomination videos to remember some of the more light hearted happenings that occurred throughout the “Box”.
And the Paddle goes to Bronco Brigade Trainers.