The National Training Center and Fort Irwin, Calif., celebrated the U.S. Army’s 247th Birthday at the Coyote Cafe, June 14, 2022.
Cutting the cake were Fort Irwin’s youngest and oldest Soldiers (PV2 Womas and Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Opara), along with the Deputy Commander, Col. Carl Michaud and Post Command Sgt. Major Brian Haydt, symbolizing the strong connection between our Army’s past, present and future.
The Commanding General, Gen. Curtis Taylor, released the following Lead 6 message to mark the occasion.
“Today, the U.S. Army celebrates 247 years of service to our nation and, in three weeks, our nation will turn 246 years old older than our nation itself, our Army has played a vital role in the history of America and the defense of our democratic values.
“It was April 19, 1776, at the battle of Lexington and Concord where our militias were first tested against British Army Regulars. Then, on June 14, 1775, the Second Continental Congress voted to establish a Continental Army to fight for our nation’s independence during the American Revolution. The United States was not even a nation yet, but since its establishment, U.S. Army Soldiers and civilians have supported our nation, bearing true faith and allegiance to the nation, our Constitution, our Army, their units and fellow team members. For 247 years, our Army has provided global readiness 24/7.
“Throughout our 247-year history, Soldiers have served with distinction for the cause of freedom. Serving with honor and dignity, they defended our way of live on foreign lands or stood guard here at home. They’ve helped restore our nation from devastation caused by natural disasters or rushed to Americans in need.
“We’re fortunate that every one of us here at the National Training Center and Fort Irwin, our Army’s Premiere Combat Training Center, share the singular mission of training the force and ensuring Readiness throughout our Army. What we do here matters. Our Army was built on the courage and commitment of ordinary people who believed the United States was worth fighting for. All of us here continue that legacy, providing training and ready forces to deter aggression or to fight and win when our nation calls.
Today and always, we celebrate and honor Soldiers and their Families, Army Civilians, Veterans and retirees. All Soldiers for Life who’ve embraced our Army’s values and serve honorably to protect the interests of our country.
“Lead — Train — Win!”