For the first time ever and regardless of career field, the U.S. Army now offers all new recruits the opportunity to receive a “quick ship” bonus of $25,000.
This bonus is offered for those who ship to basic training within 30 days of signing a four-year contract.
“Recruiting in the current environment is a challenge, and we have positions we need to fill right now,” said Maj. Gen. Kevin Vereen, who leads the U.S. Army Recruiting Command. “Our Army is counting on us to fill these training vacancies quickly, so we are able to offer incentives to gain interest in critical career fields.”
Currently, all career fields with vacancies qualify for the shipping bonus. Previously the quick ship bonus was only open to certain career fields, however this new amendment will allow more recruits to take advantage of the bonus. Another change to the quick ship bonus is future Soldiers who joined under the delayed entry program can renegotiate their contract.
“Future Soldiers who have enlisted and are shipping in July, August or September are authorized to renegotiate their contract to ship earlier but they are limited to the training seats available,” said Patricia Crowe, USAREC Enlistment Eligibility Processing Division chief. “For instance, a future Soldier who selected infantry as a career field and enlisted in the Delayed Entry Program in May, with a ship date of 6 September, can now renegotiate their contract. They will select a military occupational specialty that is open with the availability to ship in the next 30 days. This would authorize them a $25,000 bonus.”
The quick ship bonus can be added in addition to other incentives already being offered for certain career fields. Applicants have the potential to receive up to $50,000 total in combined enlistment incentives. They also receive other standard Army benefits to include housing allowances, health coverage, college tuition and family support services.
Individuals can learn more about Army career options and the benefits of the military service at